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To find out who is around our region to help you start your business or grow it in Northern Tasmania, simply use the search options above to search for the support you need, the council region you are in and press Search!

Whether you are at the ‘dreaming’ stage and have a new idea for a business, or you’re an existing business looking to make some changes or grow – Northern Tasmania is the perfect place for business.

And with so many great business support services on offer, no person has to do it on their own. With access to a range of services no matter what region you live in, from general advice and mentoring through to specific areas of need within businesses, most of the support services are offered for free and all are delivered by people who want to help your business grow. To discover what service providers are in your region, simply choose your local government area (LGA) above and the type of support you are looking for, and find out who can help. You can even contact the service provider directly from this page and they’ll get in touch with you to see how they can help.


Why Northern Tasmania?

With the services of a regional hub closely located across the region, Northern Tasmania is the perfect place to live, work, play and thrive! You’d struggle to find the range of quality services and facilities anywhere else in Australia with a community that is keen to support and champion local businesses, that makes this the ideal location to start and sustain businesses. The challenge is that there is so much here that can support businesses to grow locally that any list might miss something – but we’ll give it a go to try and capture most of it;

  • A University Campus in the Region
  • Quality schools, both public and independent,
  • NBN Fibre to the Premises and the Gigabit Internet Service
  • Business Hatcheries and Cowork Spaces
  • Strong Business Chambers and Community
  • Active Sporting Clubs
  • Nationally Renowned Sporting Facilities
  • Strong Representation at All Levels of Government
  • Affordable House Prices
  • Short Drive to Stunning National Parks
  • Minimal Traffic Congestion (Compared to Mainland Cities)
  • Mouthwatering Food and Drink that is often Locally Produced
  • Local Produce commonly sold by the Farmer
  • Walkable Towns & Cities
  • Knowing Your Neighbours
  • Active Community Groups
  • A Thriving Arts & Culture
  • Stories of the Past Everywhere You Look
  • Live in the State Everyone Wants to Visit
  • Health Services Across the Region
  • Diverse Expertise across Numerous Industries
  • Proud History of Innovation and Entrepreneurship
  • … And the List Goes on…

For those who have to travel, Launceston Airport has regular direct flights to Melbourne and Sydney with easy connections to all major centres across Australia – you can leave Launceston Airport at 6am and by 8am be in the centre of Melbourne enjoying a great coffee over your first meeting of the day. We are seeing a growing trend of people moving to Northern Tasmania to enjoy the lifestyle of the region for their families and simply jet over to the ‘mainland’ when they are needed.

And at the end of the day, we do far more than our jobs so it’s important to have the lifestyle right too. Northern Tasmania has some of the best golf courses, vineyards, beaches, island getaways, mountain bike trails and recreation facilities around – and most are only a short distance away. No matter which way you drive, you’ll find something for every member of the family to enjoy and unwind along with meeting locals in every community you visit along the way.

With all things considered – Northern Tasmania is the place to start and sustain your business into the future – and you don’t have to do it alone.

Service Providers Across Northern Tasmania


Support To Start Businesses in Northern Tasmania

About Northern Tasmania Development Corporation

NTDC is funded by seven Council Members, City of Launceston, Northern Midlands, Meander Valley, Flinders, Break O’Day, George Town and West Tamar to facilitate significant improvement in prosperity in the North and North-East Tasmania. The seven Council Members established the newly reformed regional economic development agency (NTDC) in February 2017 to achieve the targets set out in the Northern Regional Futures Framework and are committed to move to a new era of collaborative, innovative and sustainable economic growth in the region.

NTDC is tasked with validating and actioning the valuable strategic planning work that has been undertaken in recent years to underpin effective and sustainable economic transition in Northern and North-East Tasmania whilst continuing to place the importance of education and health in our communities. This means finding ways to continually boost economic output, increase investment, create more jobs, and to raise average wage levels.

By 2026 NTDC’s goals are;

50% increase in GRP | 8000 new jobs | $100 per week increase in average weekly wage

To do this, the NTDC team will be pursuing a strategic and proactive role in identifying regional priorities and undertaking strong advocacy and collaboration with business, the community and the three tiers of government with the objective of significantly improving the prosperity of our region. Our shared vision and projects will have emphasis on distinct regional ‘community attributes’ being; Start Ups & Entrepreneurship, Health Products & Services, Educations Services, Health: Wellness for Longer, Education: Learning Region & innovation. An essential element of our vision is;

“encouraging cultural change to attract key people to the cause and build a strong common purpose, confidence and social license.”

The NTDC team is supported by the appointed NTDC Board who hold a diversity of experience and industry focus and is representative of competitive manufacturing, tourism, food and agribusiness, entrepreneurship, education and health. To read more, click here.

Interested in staying up to date with the NTDC projects and news?
See the full range of projects and initiatives undertaken by Northern Tasmania Development Corporation at our website.